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Melli medium welcomes you!


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About Melli Medium

All the story

Hello, my name is Mellisandre Debussy,


I discovered my gifts in 2015 following the death of my father, who himself had gifts, but drew the Tarot de Marseille from him. I am a pure clairaudient medium, clairvoyant and clairsentient (I see, I hear, I feel). My emotional and medical empathy allows me to better guide you in clairvoyance and to better target the place or magnetize during treatment sessions. I worked and developed my abilities for 2 years before deciding to make it my job in 2017. Clairvoyance is not a given, its abilities are worked on every day. I'm famous for being cash and direct, I'll never tell you what you want to hear, but what you need to hear, I'm not here to sell you dreams.

Do not forget either that medium does not mean that we see everything, you have your own free will which will influence the potential future that I predict for you. In clairvoyance nothing is fixed, everything moves, time, predictions. I tell you what I see, I am not infallible, I could be wrong, because once again I am not God and clairvoyance is not an exact science. My predictions are there to guide you in your choices, not to tell you what to do! You are the own captain of your boat never forget it!


And no, a medium doesn't see everything, we capture messages, images, sounds via our abilities and of course we have no power over your private life, if you don't ask me in consultation I won't go see your private life is none of my business. Also magnetist, energy specialist, I offer sessions of magnetism on photo at dilatancy and/or at the cabinet. I will always guide you as best as possible with honesty and benevolence, always, but don't mix things up, I'm not god.

 See you soon



Mes Séances

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Hours of operation

By appointment only 

Lundi : de 09h à 23h 

Mardi :  de 09h à 23h

Mercredi:  de 09h à 23h

Jeudi :  de 09 h à 23h

Vendredi :  de 09h à 23 h 

Samedi :fermé

Dimanche : fermé 


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